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Important Post

Overview of JKAS examination.

JKAS Examination:     Jammu and Kashmir UT Service, better known as Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service (JKAS), is the prestigious service in the UT of J and K. The JKAS Exam is conducted by JKPSC (Jammu Kashmir Public Services Commission) at UT level. The exam is conducted in three stages. The first stage is preliminary test (PT) which is just a screening test to allow students to sit in the next stage of examination. The next stage is Mains Examination. After qualifying this tier, the candidates are called for interview. Interview (Personality Test) is Conducted  by a panel constituted by JKPSC Chairperson and members. Final result of JKAS exam is declared after this stage. Then JKPSC send the selection list of qualified candidate to Government  Medical College Jammu and Srinagar for the medical examination of the selected candidates respectivly. After medical examination the list goes to General Administrative Department in the Secretariat of JKUT Governme...

Medical Test for KAS officers

🔬🕢🔬Medical Test for KAS officers Medical Test procedure for KAS officers. . Is there any medical test for KAS selected candidate? This question always comes in the minds of KAS aspirants. Medical fitness is the most important factor for everyone who inspires to work. Work is imposible without fitness of the body. Only healthy body possesses the healthy mind. After you clear the KAS exam , there is a final examination called Medical examination of the candidates. Actually the KAS final result notification is itself the notification for medical examination of the selected candidates as JKPSC mention in the same notification that all selected candidates must approach the respective medical colleges in Jammu and Srinagar for further medical test. This medical test is mandatory and there is no further appointment of the candidate without the medical fitness report. It is the most important factor for the allocation of civil services. Based on the medical reports, the candidate may h...

Social Media and KAS Exam Preparation

Social Media and KAS Exam Preparation.  Social media is a new tool that is influencing the student community a lot in this new era of digitization. Social media has became a new platform for live interaction among the people. It is growing very fast. People of every age group are using social media for many purposes. Students and aspirants of many exams are also using it in a different way. Social media and  KAS exam preparation can be linked now in this era of internet. You may get benefited by social networking sites like facebook, instagram, youtube, whatsapp, etc if you effectivly use it for KAS preparation. It is the art how one  manages time for the social media sites and the preparation for any exam like KAS exam. Social media has both negative and positive impact on aspirants. This article is dealing with the discussion how social media can be utilized effectivly for the preparation of civil services examination or any other examination. Lets discuss in det...

Managing time in KAS Mains Examination

   Mains examination is a written one where you have to write about 8 theory papers comprising of four General studies papers, two optional papers, one essay writing paper and one general english paper. You need a perfect stretagy for management of time in KAS mains examination because even a fraction of second is very crucial for fetching marks. So here we are discussing some of the important steps that can make you save and utilize the available time during your KAS mains examination.  1. Reach early in the examination all. At least half an hour before the actual examination begins. 2. Check all about your hall number, row number and seat number before entering your hall as early as possible. 3. Bring your wrist watch with you. Reset your watch before the examination begins.  4. Sit on your seat at least 15 min before the examination starts. Fill up all particulars on the answer sheet. 5. Go through the question papers for 5 mins at most. During this process...

Comparison between Lecturership and KAS

Comparison between Lecturership and KAS:   We are going to compare the two prominant jobs in government sector. One is 10+2 lecturership in School education department and other is Jammu and kashmir Kashmir administrative services. Both are posts recruited through JKPSC and both are gazzeted posts. Althouth both are high profile jobs still there is a difference between the two. People who are confused or do not know exactly about the posts will be benefited by reading this article. We are taking certain parameter for comparison of lecturership and KAS as discussed below: Comparison: 1. Salary . Although both have high salary, still there is difference between the two. Monetarily lecturership is more profitable than KAS at initial stage. But with the passgae of service, both become almost equal. Grade pay of KAS is 4800 where as grade pay of Lecturer is 5400. So basic pay of KAS becomes 47600 and that of lecturer becomes 52700 at the beginning. Gross salary of KAS a...

How to Fetch Good Marks in Mains Examination (KAS)

Marks in Mains Examination: Mains examination is a Written examination in which you have to write in about 8 seperate papers. You need to have a good answer writing skills to fetch good marks in Mains. Writing skills are developed over the period of time during your educational career. It is a gradual process. If you are appearing in KAS mains examination and you are afraid of writing the answer, we here are mentioning about 10 ways of answer writing by which you can imrpove your answer writing to fetch good marks in mains Examination (KAS). 1. Number of questions you attempt:  Mains score depends on how many questions you attempt and answer in each paper. In order to score high, you must attempt at least 95 to 100 percent questions. Not a single question should be left unanswered. Now what is the stratagy for attempting all questons? There may be some probelems that lead to lesser number of question attempts. One possible reason is slow writing. Improve your wri...

Officer Like Qualities (OLQs)

OLQs Officer Like Qualities: These are the qualities or trait that must be found in an officer. An officer must be gentle man, calm and cool minded, enthusiastic, energetic, curious, etc. Some of the 25 fundamental officer like qualities are discussed in detail. New aspirants of KAS examination  must ensure that such qualities must be embraced sooner or later. Many people do not have all the qualities required for the particular job. Some are inbuilt but other can be incultated with time by making some efforts. If you are aspiring to be an KAS officer you must imbibe these qualties into yourself in order to become efficient officer. Lets discuss thses officer like qualities. Hope you will enjoy reading and it will definately be helpful for your personality development. Officer like qualities discussed in detail.   1. Patience . If you are patient that means you have capacity to wait, good capacity to listen and you can withstamd any public pressure. Hence you wi...

Most Common Interview Questions asked in KAS interview

Common Interview Questions for KAS: KAS Interview also known as Personality Test is a game of only few mintues that can change your life forever. Each reply given by you against a particular question will make a way to another question by the interviewer. So you may give a particular direction to your interview. Common Interview Questions About Yourself: 1. Introduce Yourself. The very first question asked by Chairperson in KAS interview is "Tell me something about yourself". This means Chairperson is asking you about Your Introduction. As I have earlier described how to introduce yourself (Read point No. 2) . Introduction for KAS interview should be prepared by yourself. 2. What is your hobby. It is the most favourite question they ask you. So prepare well about your hobby. 3. Do you lie ? Justify. They may simply ask this question in order to know how do you react. You may simply reply that Yes I do lie sometime because everyone do lie. No one in this world...

30 Most Important KAS Interview Tips.

30 Most Important IAS / KAS Interview Tips:   30 KAS Interview Tips   Important IAS/ KAS interview Tips: There are so many things important that you must know before starting the preparation for JKAS interview. We are sharing some of the 30 important Interview tips which our candidates, in order to make them aware about the things,  need to imbibe. JKAS interview or also known as Personality Test, is a final stage of selection process. Separate e-summon letters are issued by JKPSC to each mains qualified candidate for entering into the interview room. JKAS interview is just a 20 to 30 minutes game and it will change your life forever. So follow our below explained points in order to achieve the highest marks in your Interview. 1. Begin as early as possible. It is a general routine that the candidates who have taken the IAS mains examination do not wait for results and begin preparation for interview. Similar is the case here too. One who have done with the...

Optional subject for JKAS Mains examination: How to Choose?

Choose your optional subject :  Mains examination is a second stage of JKAS examination conducted by JKPSC . About 25 candidates qualifying Preliminary test, are allowed to appear in mains examination against one post that means appearance in mains examination has a ratio of 25:1. As we know that in previsous pattern of KAS examination there was an optional subject  for Preliminary test besides General Study Paper. But in new pattern there is no optional subject for Preliminary Test. There are two papers, one is GS and other is CSAT. In old Pattern Mains examination there were two GS papers and two Optional subjects each having two papers. In new pattern of KAS examination , the Mains examination has four papers belonging to GS and one optional subject having two papers. Since four GS papers are common to all and only optional subject is different for different candidates. So what should we choose as an optional aubject ? We will make it clear that who can ch...