Common Interview Questions for KAS:
KAS Interview also known as Personality Test is a game of only few mintues that can change your life forever. Each reply given by you against a particular question will make a way to another question by the interviewer. So you may give a particular direction to your interview.
Common Interview Questions About Yourself:
1. Introduce Yourself. The very first question asked by Chairperson in KAS interview is "Tell me something about yourself". This means Chairperson is asking you about Your Introduction. As I have earlier described how to introduce yourself
(Read point No. 2). Introduction for KAS interview should be prepared by yourself.
2. What is your hobby. It is the most favourite question they ask you. So prepare well about your hobby.
3. Do you lie ? Justify. They may simply ask this question in order to know how do you react. You may simply reply that Yes I do lie sometime because everyone do lie. No one in this world is a true man.
4. What are your weaknesses. You should prepare at least 3 of your weaknesses and prepare also how you are working to overcome them. They want to know if you are working over it or not. They want a person who tries to improve over every weakness. You may take some examples like Oversleeping is my weakness, over eating or eating less or eating junk food is my weakness, habbit of eating too fast or too slow, Not waking up early in the morning or sleeping late nights, weak in public speaking, or communication in particualr languages, etc. You must know about yourself.
5. Tell some of your strengths. Also prepare about 3 of your strengths that boost you up everytime. You may say that Helping poor is my strength. Whenver I help the poor people, I feel boosted. Doing morning exercise is my strength, it boosts me both physically and mentally. Good communication skill is my another strength, good writing is my strength, speaking truth is my strength, etc. Each person may have different kinds of their habbits and traits that make them strong and keep them motivated everytime to do a particular thing.
6. Where do you want to see yourself in the next five years? Prepare this question as well. They want to see if you have a good vision? Do you plan for life ? Do you see your future, do you dream? Do you set short term or long term targets of life ? Do you have some goals? etc.
7. Do you plan things if yes how ? You can say Yes, if you do. No, if you do not. If yes they may pose another question. How do you plan? Answer may be simple, "I do short term or long term planning". "I keep some short term targets, when I achieve them I design next targets" so and so on. You may tell any type of planning that you practise to achieve your life goals.
8. What is your biggest mistake of life? Every one has some mistakes done in the past during the preparation for achiving some kind of goals. So take one of the mistake and explain to the panel.
9. What is your biggest success in life ? Till now if you have achieved any success, you must speak it out.
10. Do you smoke or drink ? Yes No answer.
11. What are your dreams in life? Tell the dreams of your life if any.
12. If your ever demonstrated your leadership skills? If you have ever practised the leadership skills anywhere, you may speak it out in detail. For example if you have been a leader of a team during sports events, or any cultural events, etc.
14. Give one word for yourself. You may describe yourself in one word. For example I am a Philanthropist.
15. Describe yourself in one sentence. For example I am a cool personality.
16. Whom you consider your hero in making you succesful till now? For example My father is a Real Hero of my Life.
17. Whom you consider a model person for you? For example if you know a person who is an IAS or KAS officer or any other successful personality, may be the role model for you.
18. Are you married ? Simple reply Yes or No.
19.Which party did you vote for during the current election? You may simply reply that voting has a privacy right of an individual so I can not reveal the name of political party which I want to vote or have voted.( if the elections are to be around).
20. What motivates you? What ever motivates you speak it out. For example people may be motivated by watching the interviews of other successful people, interaction with successful candidates, some time you may name someone among your family who is supporting/motivating regularly for your preparation for IAS/ KAS, etc.
21. How do you manage your time? People manage their time by making time tables, setting short term targets and long term goals, prioratise the work, work regularly and punctually, etc. If you do it in some different way, tell to the board.
22. What makes you unique? Tell the panel some of your unique qualities that exists only in you.
23. What would you do if you get huge money. You may answer it better in your own way.
24. Is there anything else about you that you want to tell us ? If you want to tell anything about you to the panel.
25. Have you any questions for us? If any question do ask.
26. Do you show anger ? If yes how you control it? You may have your own view over this topic.
27. What do you do to take care of your health? Tell all you do for your health.
Common Interview Questions About Your Home District.
1. Home District Profile. Name of your home district and its meaning. Population size, sex ratio, literacy rate, area, number of tehshils, blocks, constituencies, etc.
2. Home district floura and fauna. Prepare the list of some plants and animals found in your district. If you are a biology student, then this question is dafinately asked.
3. Common natural resources of your district. Like Forests types, soil types, etc.
4. Some special things found in your home distrct. Like Nelam and Saffron is found in district kishtwar, etc.
5. Height of your district above sea level. You must know the longitude, latitude and height above sea level of your district.
6. Distance from your home and district headquater. You must know this distance in km.
7. Distance from home to jammu or srinagar city. Reply in km.
8. Main crops of your district. Commonly cultivated crops.
9. Minerals resouces of your district. If found in your district.
10. Water sources of your district. Like rivers, streams, springs, etc.
11. Ongoing hydroelectric power projects: See all such running and proposed projects for your district.
12. Rivers of your district their length and origin. Like chenab river flows through Kishtwar, Doda Ramban, etc. Tawi in Jammu, Ravi and Ujj in kathua, etc. Collect information about rivers like their origin, lenghth, route of flow, ongoing projects over them, any religious utility of the river ( as Devika river in udhampur), etc.
13. Famous monuments in your districts if any. Prepare a list of such monuments if found in your districts. If any UNESCO Heritage site, Old temples, Old forts? Prepare their details also.
14. Any special Melas or festivals. Like Mela pat in Bhaderwah district Doda, Bahu fort mela in Jammu, Bawa jito mela in Jammu, etc.
15. Fruits and vegetables grown there. Prepare the list of some special kinds of fruits and vegetables found in your district or in your village.
16. Fish culture development. If any fish culture is practised in your district? What types of fishes are cultured and reared ? What kind of fishes are naturaly found in streams and rivers of your district ?
17. Prepare other things you want to prepare about your district apart from the above mentioned.
Common Interview Questions about Your Educational Background:
1. Where from you did your basic eduaction? Reply the Name of the School, JKBOSE , CBSE, etc.
2. Where from you did your graduation, post graduation (subject or course). Reply the name of college, university, or any professional institution of professional Board. If they ask your graduation subject, mention all the subjects.
3. Where from you did your higher qualification like M.Phil or PhD or Post Doc, etc. Reply the name of degree and university involved.
4. Spacialization in your master programme if any. Mention the specialization in your post graduation if any.
5. Your technical education backgorund (if any). Like any certificate, diploma or degree in computer applications, or any other course from Industrial Training Institute.
6. Your professional degrees like BEd. MEd. MBBS, BDS, BE, etc. Mention in detail.
Common Interview Questions Cocurrincular activities:
1. Are you a sports person? Mention the type of sports you are involved in. Also mention the awards you got any time you contested.
2. How many times you contested at district, state or national or internaltional level competition. Mention the different types of contests you ever participated during your sports career.
3. Do you possess a NCC certificate? Yes No answer. If yes they may ask what is NCC, why you joined it, what is moto of NCC, what was your rank during your NCC journey. So prepare all such connecting questions.
4. Have you ever joined NSS? Yes No Answer. If yes they may ask anything about NSS. So prepare well.
Common interview questions About Your Career:
1. What do you do currently. Any govt or private job or higher education. Mention truly that your are working. They want to know about your previous job and experiance you gained from that job.
2. How many jobs you have done before. Simply reply the number of
jobs you left before your current occupation. If none say No.
3. Why do you want to join this service? You should be crystal clear about this question. You must satisfy the panel why you want to choose this profession. What motivates you for this service? Why you are leaving your current job (if any)? You may say that I want to be an civil servant because I want to work for the people from this platform. This is a big platform from where I can serve huge number of people directly. Since our nation is a developing nation and bureaucrats are the founding pillars of the development so I want to contribute for the development of my state, UT and hence the development of my country.
4. Why do you want to leave your previsous job? You must be able to defend this question and justify why you want to leave the previous job. You should not compare the two jobs but reply in such a way that you are giving preference to the Civil service job to the previous one.
5. What if fail this time ? Your simple reply should be "I will prepare again and appear again on the examination". This will show your dedication level and your craze for getting this post. Never say that you will leave the preparation if failed and would do something else.
6. How many attempts you have made at KAS before? Simply reply the number of attempts made at KAS exam previously. Also mention that which stage of the exam you could not qualify and how many times you have appeared in KAS Interview.
7. Why you should be selected for this post instead of others waiting outside? For answering this question, you must know about your own qaualities that are required to be in an Officer like Honesty, dedication, Interest, etc. But at the same time you can not compare yourself with other that you are more efficient than others. You should have a balanced approach. You may reply that I have done well in all stages of this examination along with others. I do not know the merit yet. I am fighting my best. I am expressing myself before this panel. If this panel finds me fit for this job I should be selected by this panel.
8. When did you got motivated for this post? Tell about when and how you got motivated for this services for the first time.
9. What kind of work environment you prefer to work in? Tell about the type of work atmosphere you wish to work in.
Common interview Questions about your Optional Subject:
1. Why did you choose this optional subject? Tell the reasons for choosing your optional subject.
2. What is your background subjects in Graduations? Tell about all subjects in your graduation course.
3. Why did not you choose graduation subjects as optional subjects? If there is difference between your graduation subjects and the choosen optional subject then justify.
4. How your subject will be helpful in your career as Civil servant? Tell the utility of your choosen optional subject for your career as civil servent. For example Geography will help you knowing the topography and geographical aspects of the area you are serving in during your job.
5. What is utility of your subject. Give other utilities of your subjects that is helping you and other people.
6. Compare your subject with other similar subjects. For example what is difference bewteen Zoology and Botany. Or what is relationship between botany and zoology? What is difference between physics and electronics, what is similarity or differnece between politics and political sciences or Is political science, a science subject ? What is difference between sociology and anthropolgy? Such types of questions may be asked to you. So prepare well.
7. Hard core questions of your optionals subject. So revise your optional subjects also for interview preparation.
Common interview Questions about General aptitude and Reasoning:
1. Many questions of general aptitude and reasoning may be asked in order to check the aptitude intelligence of the candidate. You will be given a pencil and a paper on the table to calculate the answers for such questions. But do not worry, such questions are very easy. Only you have to be calm, think clearly and calculate the answers accurately. Take some time to answer. Recheck your answer. You may take permision for taking some time to think and calculate.
2. Some other questions may be related to your Presence of mind. The questions like: what is day or date today ? What is your KAS Roll number? what is your date of Birth? What have you
Common interview Questions about Current affairs:
1. Tell me two top headlines of a newspaper you read. Read news paper in morning and try to remember 2 or 3 most important headlines.
2. What is most important news of the day. You must watch TV or read newspaper in the morning.
3. Questions related to current affairs may vary from time to time. Prepare current affairs of past 3 or 4 months. It must cover district, state or international issues.
These are some of the common interview questions that may be asked to you during the Kas interview. Hope by reading this article you will get a general idea about the kinds of questions asked in KAS interview.
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