Optional subject for JKAS Mains examination: How to Choose?
Choose your optional subject : Mains examination is a second stage of JKAS examination conducted by JKPSC . About 25 candidates qualifying Preliminary test, are allowed to appear in mains examination against one post that means appearance in mains examination has a ratio of 25:1. As we know that in previsous pattern of KAS examination there was an optional subject for Preliminary test besides General Study Paper. But in new pattern there is no optional subject for Preliminary Test. There are two papers, one is GS and other is CSAT. In old Pattern Mains examination there were two GS papers and two Optional subjects each having two papers. In new pattern of KAS examination , the Mains examination has four papers belonging to GS and one optional subject having two papers. Since four GS papers are common to all and only optional subject is different for different candidates. So what should we choose as an optional aubject ? We will make it clear that who can ch...
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