e-Summon for KAS Interview:
As we all know JKAS is a three tier examination comprising of Preliminary Test, Mains Examination and Personality Test.
Download Notification for KAS 2018 e-Summon
Personality test is conducted for those candidates who have wualified mains examination. Candidates are called for personality test in the ratio of 3:1 with respect to the number of posts advertisement. It simply means that three times the number of candidates are called for interview purpose which is decided by final merit of mains examination.
JKPSC call each candidate individually by issuing an e- summon on online portal on its official site.
So this e-summon is a letter which is a legal document for entering into the interview room at JKPSC office.
e summon carries the following details:
1- Name of candidate
2- Roll Number of candidate
3-Date of personality test.
4-Time of personality test
5- Information about morning or evening shift of interview.
6- Instruction regarding Personality test.
A prior notice is issued by JKPSC before your e -summon is uploaded on the online portal. The notice carries the information regarding the tentative date of begining of personality test.
Usually a time period of a month or sometime more than a month is given to the candidates for better preparation for personality test. Hence this prior notice is issued a month before the commencement of personality test.
The interveiw call letters or so called e - summons are not made public which means no candidate can know about the date and time of interview of other candidates.
Number of candidates called for interview per day is approximately 25 to 30 which means approximately 15 candidates are onterviwed before noon and 15 after noon. The number may varry little.
Its inportant to mention here that there is only a single interview pennal comprises of chairperson of JKPSC, all the members of JKPSC and sometime specialized experts may be called by JKPSC in the pannel.
e-Summon is a authentic document without which the candidate mare are not allowed to enter the premises of JKPSC interview hall.
e-summon can be downloaded by providing the details like mains application form number of and date of birth of the candidate.
Candidates should take a printout of it with them as soft copy is not allowed while entering into JKPSC premises.
If you want to know anything else regarding the e-summon, please do emial, message or comment in the comment section.
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